
Rich people actually don't create the jobs

Customers create the jobs

Amplify’d from www.businessinsider.com

No, Entrepreneurs Like Steve Jobs Do Not "Create Jobs" By Inventing Products Like The iPhone

As I explained yesterday, this argument is absurd for many reasons, starting with:

  1. Taxes on rich people are already historically low relative to other (very prosperous) periods, and
  1. Many billionaires and entrepreneurs like Hanauer have already gone on record to ridicule the idea that raising capital gains and income taxes a few points would suddenly reduce the incentive to start companies.

Customers create the jobs.

An entrepreneur can have the most brilliant idea in the world and plenty of funding to develop and sell it, but if customers can't afford to buy the company's products, the entrepreneur and his or her investors won't create a single permanent job.

Read more at www.businessinsider.com

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