
"Derivatives,,come out ann plaay "......

OK-I admit it!-I am guilty of being scared to the point of panic, the words coming out of my mouth are unfathomable, I can't believe I even have to group the words TOGETHER and worse yet have to form sentences with them! Geez, man, I love this frickn country what the hell is going on? I have learned more "Financial" talk and Wall st. Jargon in the past few week than I have in my entire lifetime!- I started "waking up" about two years ago, after seeing the Movie "Loose Change"
and believe me, once you start asking seemingly "Solid" questions, with out receiving ANY "Solid" answers, your proverbial trip down the rabbit hole has begun! NOW- there have been moments, in the not to distant past, of outright "Trauma" and depression from this crap, BUT- being an extremely curious soul, always searching for the TRUTH, I must attempt calmness and maybe even a little disassociation, ONE of the Videos I watched about 2 months or so ago SCARED the livn shiat out of me: It was from "Dr. Deagle" on the "Splash" page it was titled: The Granada Forum" I know that alot of people reading this may have seen it, Alot of it was totally plausible, but then when Dr.Deagle talks about "Reptilian Interbreeding" One must step back and really THINK about what this person in pushing! The thing is- is that WE KNOW for a fact what is REALLY, with out question is happening to our Country , BY our GOVERNMENT, and I think by concentrating on what we know we can somewhat ascertain where it will take us! I mention this because I came across this today;;;:"Swallowing the Camel"
CHECK it OUT!!! seriously! They basically give you a Fact sheet on Dr. Deagle (don't forget- he was saying that a major catastrophic was gonna hit us today) It was VERY enlightening! comforting to a degree also! this is the first website that I have seen really EXAMINING DR. DEagle!. OK, so that brings me round to my original intention, which is to show you that we are not out of the woods yet, I am NOT sure what the fuk "DERIVATIVES" are, but I'am pretty sure their Hungry!!!(and they drink blood! LOL) and from what i can gather something is going to happen with them THIS Thursday, here is a link that EXPLAINS the DERIVATIVES http://www.321gold.com/editorials/maund/maund100608.html:. Well, sorry for being so long winded! BUT -if your DIG DEEP enough you will eventually turn up the truth! I promise, I will not FLIP out and think i,am seeing anymore UFO'S!!! (man i still hurt from my wipe out!! LOL! ) I promise not to panic, and above all I promise never to give BAD ADVICE!!(intentionally of course!) I HOPE that we can all come through these troubled times as better people and better Americans! , Peace+ LOve, Melody

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